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MetalGo APIs Overview

Issuing API CallsThis guide explains how to make calls to APIs exposed by Metal nodes.
The Platform Chain (P-Chain) APIAllows clients to interact with the P-Chain (Platform Chain), which maintains Metal’s validator set and handles blockchain and Subnet creation.
The Contract Chain (C-Chain) APIAllows clients to interact with the C-Chain, Metal’s main EVM instance, as well as other EVM instances.
The Exchange Chain (X-Chain) APIAllows clients to create and trade assets, including AVAX, on the X-Chain as well as other instances of the AVM.
The Admin APIAllows clients to examine a node’s internal state, set of connections, and similar internal protocol data.
The Auth APIAllows clients to manage the creation and revocation of authorization tokens.
The Health APIAllows clients to check a node’s health.
The Index APIFetch transactions, vertex, or block by ID.
The Info APIAllows clients to examine basic information about a node.
The Keystore APIAllows customers to use the embedded Keystore file of an Metal node.
The Metrics APIAllows clients to get statistics about a node’s health and performance.