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Customize Your EVM-Powered Subnet

All Subnets can be customized by utilizing Subnet Configs.

A Subnet can have one or more blockchains. For example, the Primary Network, which is a Subnet, a special one nonetheless, has 3 blockchains. Each chain can be further customized using chain specific configuration file. See here for detailed explanation.

A blockchain created by or forked from Subnet-EVM can be customized by utilizing one or more of the following methods:

Subnet Configs

A Subnet can customized by setting parameters for the following:

See here for more info.


Each blockchain has some genesis state when it’s created. Each Virtual Machine defines the format and semantics of its genesis data.

The default genesis Subnet-EVM provided below has some well defined parameters:

"config": {
"chainId": 43214,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip150Block": 0,
"eip150Hash": "0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0",
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0,
"byzantiumBlock": 0,
"constantinopleBlock": 0,
"petersburgBlock": 0,
"istanbulBlock": 0,
"muirGlacierBlock": 0,
"subnetEVMTimestamp": 0,
"feeConfig": {
"gasLimit": 8000000,
"minBaseFee": 25000000000,
"targetGas": 15000000,
"baseFeeChangeDenominator": 36,
"minBlockGasCost": 0,
"maxBlockGasCost": 1000000,
"targetBlockRate": 2,
"blockGasCostStep": 200000
"allowFeeRecipients": false
"alloc": {
"8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC": {
"balance": "0x295BE96E64066972000000"
"nonce": "0x0",
"timestamp": "0x0",
"extraData": "0x00",
"gasLimit": "0x7A1200",
"difficulty": "0x0",
"mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"number": "0x0",
"gasUsed": "0x0",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Chain Config

chainID: Denotes the ChainID of to be created chain. Must be picked carefully since a conflict with other chains can cause issues. One suggestion is to check with to avoid ID collision, reserve and publish your ChainID properly.

You can use eth_getChainConfig RPC call to get the current chain config. See here for more info.

Hard Forks

homesteadBlock, eip150Block, eip150Hash, eip155Block, byzantiumBlock, constantinopleBlock, petersburgBlock, istanbulBlock, muirGlacierBlock, subnetEVMTimestamp are hard fork activation times. Changing these may cause issues, so treat them carefully.

Fee Config

gasLimit: Sets the max amount of gas consumed per block.

targetBlockRate: Sets the target rate of block production in seconds. A target of 2 will target producing a block every 2 seconds. If the network starts producing faster than this, base fees are increased accordingly.

minBaseFee: Sets a lower bound on the EIP-1559 base fee of a block. Since the block's base fee sets the minimum gas price for any transaction included in that block, this effectively sets a minimum gas price for any transaction.

targetGas: Specifies the targeted amount of gas (including block gas cost) to consume within a rolling 10-seconds window. When the dynamic fee algorithm observes that network activity is above/below the targetGas, it increases/decreases the base fee proportionally to how far above/below the target actual network activity is. If the network starts producing blocks with gas cost higher than this, base fees are increased accordingly.

baseFeeChangeDenominator: Divides the difference between actual and target utilization to determine how much to increase/decrease the base fee. A larger denominator indicates a slower changing, stickier base fee, while a lower denominator allows the base fee to adjust more quickly.

minBlockGasCost: Sets the minimum amount of gas to charge for the production of a block.

maxBlockGasCost: Sets the maximum amount of gas to charge for the production of a block.

blockGasCostStep: Determines how much to increase/decrease the block gas cost depending on the amount of time elapsed since the previous block.

If the block is produced at the target rate, the block gas cost will stay the same as the block gas cost for the parent block.

If it is produced faster/slower, the block gas cost will be increased/decreased by the step value for each second faster/slower than the target block rate accordingly.


If the blockGasCostStep is set to a very large number, it effectively requires block production to go no faster than the targetBlockRate. For example, if a block is produced two seconds faster than the target block rate, the block gas cost will increase by 2 * blockGasCostStep.

Custom Fee Recipients

See section Setting a Custom Fee Recipient


See section Setting the Genesis Allocation

The fields nonce, timestamp, extraData, gasLimit, difficulty, mixHash, coinbase, number, gasUsed, parentHash defines the genesis block header. The field gasLimit should be set to match the gasLimit set in the feeConfig. You do not need to change any of the other genesis header fields.

Genesis Examples

Another example of a genesis file can be found in the networks folder. Note: please remove airdropHash and airdropAmount fields if you want to start with it.

Here are a few examples on how a genesis file is used:

Setting the Genesis Allocation

Alloc defines addresses and their initial balances. This should be changed accordingly for each chain. If you don't provide any genesis allocation, you won't be able to interact with your new chain (all transactions require a fee to be paid from the sender's balance).

The alloc field expects key-value pairs. Keys of each entry must be a valid address. The balance field in the value can be either a hexadecimal or number to indicate initial balance of the address. The default value contains 8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with 50000000000000000000000000 balance in it. Default:

  "alloc": {
"8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC": {
"balance": "0x295BE96E64066972000000"

To specify a different genesis allocation, populate the alloc field in the genesis JSON as follows:

  "alloc": {
"8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC": {
"balance": "0x52B7D2DCC80CD2E4000000"
"Ab5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B": {
"balance": "0xa796504b1cb5a7c0000"

The keys in the allocation are hex addresses without the canonical 0x prefix. The balances are denominated in Wei (10^18 Wei = 1 Whole Unit of Native Token) and expressed as hex strings with the canonical 0x prefix. You can use this converter to translate between decimal and hex numbers.

The above example yields the following genesis allocations (denominated in whole units of the native token, that is 1 METAL/1 WAGMI):

0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC: 100000000 (0x52B7D2DCC80CD2E4000000=100000000000000000000000000 Wei)
0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B: 49463 (0xa796504b1cb5a7c0000=49463000000000000000000 Wei)

Setting a Custom Fee Recipient

By default, all fees are burned (sent to the black hole address with "allowFeeRecipients": false). However, it is possible to enable block producers to set a fee recipient (who will get compensated for blocks they produce).

To enable this feature, you'll need to add the following to your genesis file (under the "config" key):

"config": {
"allowFeeRecipients": true

Fee Recipient Address

With allowFeeRecipients enabled, your validators can specify their addresses to collect fees. They need to update their EVM chain config with the following to specify where the fee should be sent to.

"feeRecipient": "<YOUR 0x-ADDRESS>"

If allowFeeRecipients feature is enabled on the Subnet, but a validator doesn't specify a "feeRecipient", the fees will be burned in blocks it produces.

Note: this mechanism can be also activated as a precompile. See Changing Fee Reward Mechanisms section for more details.


Subnet-EVM can provide custom functionalities with precompiled contracts. These precompiled contracts can be activated through ChainConfig (in genesis or as an upgrade).

AllowList Interface

The AllowList interface is used by precompiles to check if a given address is allowed to use a precompiled contract. AllowList consist of two main roles, Admin and Enabled. Admin can add/remove other Admin and Enabled addresses. Enabled addresses can use the precompiled contract, but cannot modify other roles.

AllowList adds adminAddresses and enabledAddresses fields to precompile contract configurations. For instance fee manager precompile contract configuration looks like this:

"feeManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"adminAddresses": [<list of addresses>],
"enabledAddresses": [<list of addresses>]

AllowList configuration affects only the related precompile. For instance, the admin address in feeManagerConfig does not affect admin addresses in other activated precompiles.

The AllowList solidity interface is defined as follows, and can be found in IAlowList.sol:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IAllowList {
// Set [addr] to have the admin role over the precompile
function setAdmin(address addr) external;

// Set [addr] to be enabled on the precompile contract.
function setEnabled(address addr) external;

// Set [addr] to have no role the precompile contract.
function setNone(address addr) external;

// Read the status of [addr].
function readAllowList(address addr) external view returns (uint256 role);

readAllowList(addr) will return a uint256 with a value of 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to the roles None, Enabled, and Admin respectively.

Note: AllowList is not an actual contract but just an interface. It's not callable by itself. This is used by other precompiles. Check other precompile sections to see how this works.

Restricting Smart Contract Deployers

If you'd like to restrict who has the ability to deploy contracts on your Subnet, you can provide an AllowList configuration in your genesis or upgrade file:

"contractDeployerAllowListConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

In this example, 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC is named as the Admin of the ContractDeployerAllowList. This enables it to add other Admin or to add Enabled addresses. Both Admin and Enabled can deploy contracts. To provide a great UX with factory contracts, the tx.Origin is checked for being a valid deployer instead of the caller of CREATE. This means that factory contracts will still be able to create new contracts as long as the sender of the original transaction is an allow listed deployer.

The Stateful Precompile contract powering the ContractDeployerAllowList adheres to the AllowList Solidity interface at 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000 (you can load this interface and interact directly in Remix):

  • If you attempt to add a Enabled and you are not an Admin, you will see something like: admin fail

  • If you attempt to deploy a contract but you are not an Admin not a Enabled, you will see something like: deploy fail

  • If you call readAllowList(addr) then you can read the current role of addr, which will return a uint256 with a value of 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to the roles None, Enabled, and Admin respectively.


If you remove all of the admins from the allow list, it will no longer be possible to update the allow list without modifying the Subnet-EVM to schedule a network upgrade.

Initial Contract Allow List Configuration

It's possible to enable this precompile with an initial configuration to activate its effect on activation timestamp. This provides a way to enable the precompile without an admin address to manage the deployer list. With this, you can define a list of addresses that are allowed to deploy contracts. Since there will be no admin address to manage the deployer list, it can only be modified through a network upgrade. To use initial configuration, you need to specify addresses in enabledAddresses field in your genesis or upgrade file:

"contractDeployerAllowListConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"enabledAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

This will allow only 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC to deploy contracts. For further information about precompile initial configurations see Initial Precompile Configurations.

Restricting Who Can Submit Transactions

Similar to restricting contract deployers, this precompile restricts which addresses may submit transactions on chain. Like the previous section, you can activate the precompile by including an AllowList configuration in your genesis file:

"config": {
"txAllowListConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

In this example, 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC is named as the Admin of the TransactionAllowList. This enables them to add other Admins or to add Allowed. Both Admins and Enabled can submit transactions to the chain.

The Stateful Precompile contract powering the TxAllowList adheres to the AllowList Solidity interface at 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000002 (you can load this interface and interact directly in Remix):

  • If you attempt to add an Enabled and you are not an Admin, you will see something like: admin fail

  • If you attempt to submit a transaction but you are not an Admin or not Enabled, you will see something like: cannot issue transaction from non-allow listed address

  • If you call readAllowList(addr) then you can read the current role of addr, which will return a uint256 with a value of 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to the roles None, Allowed, and Admin respectively.


If you remove all of the admins from the allow list, it will no longer be possible to update the allow list without modifying the Subnet-EVM to schedule a network upgrade.

Initial TX Allow List Configuration

It's possible to enable this precompile with an initial configuration to activate its effect on activation timestamp. This provides a way to enable the precompile without an admin address to manage the TX allow list. With this, you can define a list of addresses that are allowed to submit transactions. Since there will be no admin address to manage the TX list, it can only be modified through a network upgrade. To use initial configuration, you need to specify addresses in enabledAddresses field in your genesis or upgrade file:

"txAllowListConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"enabledAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

This will allow only 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC to submit transactions. For further information about precompile initial configurations see Initial Precompile Configurations.

Minting Native Coins

You can mint native(gas) coins with a precompiled contract. In order to activate this feature, you can provide nativeMinterConfig in genesis:

"config": {
"contractNativeMinterConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

adminAddresses denotes admin accounts who can add other Admin or Enabled accounts. Admin and Enabled are both eligible to mint native coins for other addresses. ContractNativeMinter uses same methods as in ContractDeployerAllowList.

The Stateful Precompile contract powering the ContractNativeMinter adheres to the following Solidity interface at 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001 (you can load this interface and interact directly in Remix):

// (c) 2022-2023, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IAllowList.sol";

interface INativeMinter is IAllowList {
// Mint [amount] number of native coins and send to [addr]
function mintNativeCoin(address addr, uint256 amount) external;

mintNativeCoin takes an address and amount of native coins to be minted. The amount denotes the amount in minimum denomination of native coins (10^18). For example, if you want to mint 1 native coin (in METAL), you need to pass 1 * 10^18 as the amount.

Note that this uses IAllowList interface directly, meaning that it uses the same AllowList interface functions like readAllowList and setAdmin, setEnabled, setNone. For more information see AllowList Solidity interface.


EVM does not prevent overflows when storing the address balance. Overflows in balance opcodes are handled by setting the balance to maximum. However the same won't apply for API calls. If you try to mint more than the maximum balance, API calls will return the overflowed hex-balance. This can break external tooling. Make sure the total supply of native coins is always less than 2^256-1.

Initial Native Minter Configuration

It's possible to enable this precompile with an initial configuration to activate its effect on activation timestamp. This provides a way to enable the precompile without an admin address to mint native coins. With this, you can define a list of addresses that will receive an initial mint of the native coin when this precompile activates. This can be useful for networks that require a one-time mint without specifying any admin addresses. To use initial configuration, you need to specify a map of addresses with their corresponding mint amounts in initialMint field in your genesis or upgrade file:

"contractNativeMinterConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"initialMint": {
"0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC": "1000000000000000000",
"0x10037Fb06Ec4aB8c870a92AE3f00cD58e5D484b3": "0xde0b6b3a7640000"

In the amount field you can specify either decimal or hex string. This will mint 1000000000000000000 (equivalent of 1 Native Coin denominated as 10^18) to both addresses. Note that these are both in string format. "0xde0b6b3a7640000" hex is equivalent to 1000000000000000000. For further information about precompile initial configurations see Initial Precompile Configurations.

Configuring Dynamic Fees

You can configure the parameters of the dynamic fee algorithm on chain using the FeeConfigManager. In order to activate this feature, you will need to provide the FeeConfigManager in the genesis:

"config": {
"feeManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

The precompile implements the FeeManager interface which includes the same AllowList interface used by ContractNativeMinter, TxAllowList, etc. For an example of the AllowList interface, see the TxAllowList above.

The Stateful Precompile contract powering the FeeConfigManager adheres to the following Solidity interface at 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000003 (you can load this interface and interact directly in Remix). It can be also found in IFeeManager.sol:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IAllowList.sol";

interface IFeeManager is IAllowList {
// Set fee config fields to contract storage
function setFeeConfig(
uint256 gasLimit,
uint256 targetBlockRate,
uint256 minBaseFee,
uint256 targetGas,
uint256 baseFeeChangeDenominator,
uint256 minBlockGasCost,
uint256 maxBlockGasCost,
uint256 blockGasCostStep
) external;

// Get fee config from the contract storage
function getFeeConfig()
returns (
uint256 gasLimit,
uint256 targetBlockRate,
uint256 minBaseFee,
uint256 targetGas,
uint256 baseFeeChangeDenominator,
uint256 minBlockGasCost,
uint256 maxBlockGasCost,
uint256 blockGasCostStep

// Get the last block number changed the fee config from the contract storage
function getFeeConfigLastChangedAt() external view returns (uint256 blockNumber);

FeeConfigManager precompile uses IAllowList interface directly, meaning that it uses the same AllowList interface functions like readAllowList and setAdmin, setEnabled, setNone. For more information see AllowList Solidity interface.

In addition to the AllowList interface, the FeeConfigManager adds the following capabilities:

  • getFeeConfig - retrieves the current dynamic fee config
  • getFeeConfigLastChangedAt - retrieves the timestamp of the last block where the fee config was updated
  • setFeeConfig - sets the dynamic fee config on chain (see here for details on the fee config parameters)

You can also get the fee configuration at a block with the eth_feeConfig RPC method. For more information see here.

Initial Fee Config Configuration

It's possible to enable this precompile with an initial configuration to activate its effect on activation timestamp. This provides a way to define your fee structure to take effect at the activation. To use the initial configuration, you need to specify the fee config in initialFeeConfig field in your genesis or upgrade file:

"feeManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"initialFeeConfig": {
"gasLimit": 20000000,
"targetBlockRate": 2,
"minBaseFee": 1000000000,
"targetGas": 100000000,
"baseFeeChangeDenominator": 48,
"minBlockGasCost": 0,
"maxBlockGasCost": 10000000,
"blockGasCostStep": 500000

This will set the fee config to the values specified in the initialFeeConfig field. For further information about precompile initial configurations see Initial Precompile Configurations.

Changing Fee Reward Mechanisms

Fee reward mechanism can be configured with this stateful precompile contract called as RewardManager. Configuration can include burning fees, sending fees to a predefined address, or enabling fees to be collected by block producers. This precompile can be configured as follows in the genesis file:

"config": {
"rewardManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

adminAddresses denotes admin accounts who can add other Admin or Enabled accounts. Admin and Enabled are both eligible to change the current fee mechanism.

The precompile implements the RewardManager interface which includes the AllowList interface. For an example of the AllowList interface, see the TxAllowList above.

The Stateful Precompile contract powering the RewardManager adheres to the following Solidity interface at 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000004 (you can load this interface and interact directly in Remix). It can be also found in IRewardManager.sol:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IAllowList.sol";

interface IRewardManager is IAllowList {
// setRewardAddress sets the reward address to the given address
function setRewardAddress(address addr) external;

// allowFeeRecipients allows block builders to claim fees
function allowFeeRecipients() external;

// disableRewards disables block rewards and starts burning fees
function disableRewards() external;

// currentRewardAddress returns the current reward address
function currentRewardAddress() external view returns (address rewardAddress);

// areFeeRecipientsAllowed returns true if fee recipients are allowed
function areFeeRecipientsAllowed() external view returns (bool isAllowed);

RewardManager precompile uses IAllowList interface directly, meaning that it uses the same AllowList interface functions like readAllowList and setAdmin, setEnabled, setNone. For more information see AllowList Solidity interface.

In addition to the AllowList interface, the RewardManager adds the following capabilities:

  • setRewardAddress - sets the address to which fees are sent. This address can be a contract or a user address. The address becomes the required coinbase address for the blocks that this mechanism is enabled on. Meaning that it will receive the fees collected from the transactions in the block. Receiving fees will not call any contract functions or fallback functions. It will simply send the fees to the address.

  • allowFeeRecipients - enables block producers to claim fees. This will allow block producers to claim fees by specifying their own addresses in their chain configs. See here for more information on how to specify the fee recipient address in the chain config.

  • disableRewards - disables block rewards and starts burning fees.

  • currentRewardAddress - returns the current reward address. This is the address to which fees are sent. It can include black hole address (0x010...0) which means that fees are burned. It can also include a predefined hash (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) denoting custom fee recipients are allowed. It's advised to use the areFeeRecipientsAllowed function to check if custom fee recipients are allowed first.

  • areFeeRecipientsAllowed - returns true if custom fee recipients are allowed.

These 3 mechanisms (burning, sending to a predefined address, and enabling fees to be collected by block producers) cannot be enabled at the same time. Enabling one mechanism will take over the previous mechanism. For example, if you enable allowFeeRecipients and then enable disableRewards, the disableRewards will take over and fees will be burned.

Note: Reward addresses or fee recipient addresses are not required to be an admin or enabled account.

Initial Configuration

It's possible to enable this precompile with an initial configuration to activate its effect on activation timestamp. This provides a way to enable the precompile without an admin address to change the fee reward mechanism. This can be useful for networks that require a one-time reward mechanism change without specifying any admin addresses. Without this initial configuration, the precompile will inherit the feeRecipients mechanism activated at genesis. Meaning that if allowFeeRecipients is set to true in the genesis file, the precompile will be enabled with the allowFeeRecipients mechanism. Otherwise it will keep burning fees. To use the initial configuration, you need to specify the initial reward mechanism in initialRewardConfig field in your genesis or upgrade file.

In order to allow custom fee recipients, you need to specify the allowFeeRecipients field in the initialRewardConfig:

"rewardManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"initialRewardConfig": {
"allowFeeRecipients": true

In order to set an address to receive all transaction rewards, you need to specify the rewardAddress field in the initialRewardConfig:

"rewardManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"initialRewardConfig": {
"rewardAddress": "0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"

In order to disable rewards and start burning fees, you need to leave all fields in the initialRewardConfig empty:

"rewardManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"initialRewardConfig": {}

However this is different than the default behavior of the precompile. If you don't specify the initialRewardConfig field, the precompile will inherit the feeRecipients mechanism activated at genesis. Meaning that if allowFeeRecipients is set to true in the genesis file, the precompile will be enabled with the allowFeeRecipients mechanism. Otherwise it will keep burning fees. Example configuration for this case:

"rewardManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 0,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

If allowFeeRecipients and rewardAddress are both specified in the initialRewardConfig field then an error will be returned and precompile won't be activated. For further information about precompile initial configurations see Initial Precompile Configurations.

Contract Examples

Subnet-EVM contains example contracts for precompiles under /contract-examples. It's a hardhat project with tests, tasks. For more information see contract examples README.

Network Upgrades: Enable/Disable Precompiles


Performing a network upgrade requires coordinating the upgrade network-wide. A network upgrade changes the rule set used to process and verify blocks, such that any node that upgrades incorrectly or fails to upgrade by the time that upgrade goes into effect may become out of sync with the rest of the network.

Any mistakes in configuring network upgrades or coordinating them on validators may cause the network to halt and recovering may be difficult.

In addition to specifying the configuration for each of the above precompiles in the genesis chain config, they can be individually enabled or disabled at a given timestamp as a network upgrade. Disabling a precompile disables calling the precompile and destructs its storage so it can be enabled at a later timestamp with a new configuration if desired.

These upgrades must be specified in a file named upgrade.json placed in the same directory where config.json resides: {chain-config-dir}/{blockchainID}/upgrade.json. For example, WAGMI Subnet upgrade should be placed in ~/.metalgo/configs/chains/2ebCneCbwthjQ1rYT41nhd7M76Hc6YmosMAQrTFhBq8qeqh6tt/upgrade.json.

The content of the upgrade.json should be formatted according to the following:

"precompileUpgrades": [
"blockTimestamp": "[ACTIVATION_TIMESTAMP]", // unix timestamp precompile should activate at
"[PARAMETER]": "[VALUE]" // precompile specific configuration options, eg. "adminAddresses"

An invalid blockTimestamp in an upgrade file results the update failing. The blockTimestamp value should be set to a valid Unix timestamp value which is in the future relative to the head of the chain. If the node encounters a blockTimestamp which is in the past, it will fail on startup.

To disable a precompile, the following format should be used:

"precompileUpgrades": [
"<precompileName>": {
"blockTimestamp": "[DEACTIVATION_TIMESTAMP]", // unix timestamp the precompile should deactivate at
"disable": true

Each item in precompileUpgrades must specify exactly one precompile to enable or disable and the block timestamps must be in increasing order. Once an upgrade has been activated (a block after the specified timestamp has been accepted), it must always be present in upgrade.json exactly as it was configured at the time of activation (otherwise the node will refuse to start).

Enabling and disabling a precompile is a network upgrade and should always be done with caution.


For safety, you should always treat precompileUpgrades as append-only.

As a last resort measure, it is possible to abort or reconfigure a precompile upgrade that has not been activated since the chain is still processing blocks using the prior rule set.

If aborting an upgrade becomes necessary, you can remove the precompile upgrade from upgrade.json from the end of the list of upgrades. As long as the blockchain has not accepted a block with a timestamp past that upgrade's timestamp, it will abort the upgrade for that node.


"precompileUpgrades": [
"feeManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 1668950000,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]
"txAllowListConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 1668960000,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]
"feeManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 1668970000,
"disable": true

This example enables the feeManagerConfig at the first block with timestamp >= 1668950000, enables txAllowListConfig at the first block with timestamp >= 1668960000, and disables feeManagerConfig at the first block with timestamp >= 1668970000.

When a precompile disable takes effect (that is, after its blockTimestamp has passed), its storage will be wiped. If you want to reenable it, you will need to treat it as a new configuration.

After you have created the upgrade.json and placed it in the chain config directory, you need to restart the node for the upgrade file to be loaded (again, make sure you don't restart all Subnet validators at once!). On node restart, it will print out the configuration of the chain, where you can double-check that the upgrade has loaded correctly. In our example:

INFO [08-15|15:09:36.772] <2ebCneCbwthjQ1rYT41nhd7M76Hc6YmosMAQrTFhBq8qeqh6tt Chain> Initialised chain configuration
config=“{ChainID: 11111 Homestead: 0 EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: 0
Constantinople: 0 Petersburg: 0 Istanbul: 0, Muir Glacier: 0, Subnet EVM: 0, FeeConfig:
“:10000000,\“blockGasCostStep\“:500000}, AllowFeeRecipients: false, NetworkUpgrades: {\
“subnetEVMTimestamp\“:0}, PrecompileUpgrade: {}, UpgradeConfig: {\"precompileUpgrades\":[{\"feeManagerConfig\":{\"adminAddresses\":[\"0x8db97c7cece249c2b98bdc0226cc4c2a57bf52fc\"],\"enabledAddresses\":null,\"blockTimestamp\":1668950000}},{\"txAllowListConfig\":{\"adminAddresses\":[\"0x8db97c7cece249c2b98bdc0226cc4c2a57bf52fc\"],\"enabledAddresses\":null,\"blockTimestamp\":1668960000}},{\"feeManagerConfig\":{\"adminAddresses\":null,\"enabledAddresses\":null,\"blockTimestamp\":1668970000,\"disable\":true}}]}, Engine: Dummy Consensus Engine}"”

Notice that precompileUpgrades entry correctly reflects the changes. You can also check the activated precompiles at a timestamp with the eth_getActivePrecompilesAt RPC method. The eth_getChainConfig RPC method will also return the configured upgrades in the response.

That's it, your Subnet is all set and the desired upgrades will be activated at the indicated timestamp!

Initial Precompile Configurations

Precompiles can be managed by some privileged addresses to change their configurations and activate their effects. For example, the feeManagerConfig precompile can have adminAddresses which can change the fee structure of the network.

"precompileUpgrades": [
"feeManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 1668950000,
"adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC"]

In this example, only the address 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC is allowed to change the fee structure of the network. The admin address has to call the precompile in order to activate its effect; that is it needs to send a transaction with a new fee config to perform the update. This is a very powerful feature, but it also gives a large amount of power to the admin address. If the address 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC is compromised, the network is compromised.

With the initial configurations, precompiles can immediately activate their effect on the activation timestamp. With this way admin addresses can be omitted from the precompile configuration. For example, the feeManagerConfig precompile can have initialFeeConfig to setup the fee configuration on the activation:

"precompileUpgrades": [
"feeManagerConfig": {
"blockTimestamp": 1668950000,
"initialFeeConfig": {
"gasLimit": 20000000,
"targetBlockRate": 2,
"minBaseFee": 1000000000,
"targetGas": 100000000,
"baseFeeChangeDenominator": 48,
"minBlockGasCost": 0,
"maxBlockGasCost": 10000000,
"blockGasCostStep": 500000

Notice that there is no adminAddresses field in the configuration. This means that there will be no admin addresses to manage the fee structure with this precompile. The precompile will simply update the fee configuration to the specified fee config when it activates on the blockTimestamp 1668950000.


It's still possible to add adminAddresses or enabledAddresses along with these initial configurations. In this case, the precompile will be activated with the initial configuration, and admin/enabled addresses can access to the precompiled contract normally.


If you want to change the precompile initial configuration, you will need to first disable it then activate the precompile again with the new configuration.

See every precompile initial configuration in their relevant Initial Configuration sections under Precompiles.

MetalGo Chain Configs

As described in this doc, each blockchain of Subnets can have its own custom configuration. If a Subnet's ChainID is 2ebCneCbwthjQ1rYT41nhd7M76Hc6YmosMAQrTFhBq8qeqh6tt, the config file for this chain is located at {chain-config-dir}/2ebCneCbwthjQ1rYT41nhd7M76Hc6YmosMAQrTFhBq8qeqh6tt/config.json.

For blockchains created by or forked from Subnet-EVM, most C-Chain configs are applicable except Metal Specific APIs.

Priority Regossip

A transaction is "regossiped" when the node does not find the transaction in a block after priority-regossip-frequency (defaults to 1m). By default, up to 16 transactions (max 1 per address) are regossiped to validators per minute.

Operators can use "priority regossip" to more aggressively "regossip" transactions for a set of important addresses (like bridge relayers). To do so, you'll need to update your chain config with the following:

"priority-regossip-addresses": ["<YOUR 0x-ADDRESS>"]

By default, up to 32 transactions from priority addresses (max 16 per address) are regossiped to validators per second. You can override these defaults with the following config:

"priority-regossip-frequency": "1s",
"priority-regossip-max-txs": 32,
"priority-regossip-addresses": ["<YOUR 0x-ADDRESS>"],
"priority-regossip-txs-per-address": 16

Fee Recipient

This works together with allowFeeRecipients and RewardManager precompile to specify where the fees should be sent to.

With allowFeeRecipients enabled, validators can specify their addresses to collect fees.

"feeRecipient": "<YOUR 0x-ADDRESS>"

If allowFeeRecipients or RewardManager precompile is enabled on the Subnet, but a validator doesn't specify a "feeRecipient", the fees will be burned in blocks it produces.